Saturday, March 10, 2007

Retail Therapy

Some of you know my penchant for retail therapy. Some of you don't. One day I need to sit myself down and take a good long look at just how much I spend on therapy, and my retail therapy. I'm sure there could've been a house purchase much sooner if it weren't for my "needs".
Today, I headed into to town to take care of my recent jonesing for new products. There is a new Clinique moisturizer that I just had to have. Then over to Lush where I overindulged. A little too much. But hey, I was down and needed a pick me up.
You see, I have recently been chatting with someone that I met online. Last night, we were supposed to finally meet. Well, as luck (or rather, my luck) would have it, the entire night fell through, and I ended up home alone, watching multiple episodes of "What Not To Wear". Why he chose to bail on me, I don't know. Was I disappointed? Absolutely. It's not often that I like someone. Especially enough to want to meet them. And once again, I put my faith in someone who is clearly an arse. It's becoming pretty obvious to me that I have some lousy taste in boys. I just need to find a way to fix that. I need to train myself to be attracted to a different type of guy, because clearly the ones that I am attracted to aren't worth my time or effort. Maybe I need to work on this with my therapist, since I can't see retail therapy helping with this one...

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